Citing its earlier instructions on the issue, the CVC said it was prescribed that ministries or organisations identify sensitive posts and staff working in these posts and also ensure that they are strictly rotated after every two/three years to avoid developing vested interests.
"The Commission in the superintendence of vigilance administration over the years has observed that such rotational transfers are not effected in many organisations due to which officials continue to remain in the same posts for long periods.
The Commission, would, therefore, emphasise that periodical rotation of officials holding sensitive posts or jobs needs to be ensured. As such, officials should not be retained in the same place or position for long by ministries, departments or public sector undertakings, it said.
The CVC has also asked the Chief Vigilance Officers (CVOs), who act as distant arm of the Commission, to send a monthly report indicating number of officials rotated or transferred to it in this regard.