The Committee on Public Undertakings (COPU), which had recommended a "transparent review" of route and slot allocations, said the ministry had first said such an analysis had been carried out but later held that it had no role in selection of routes by airlines.
In its report tabled in Parliament today, the COPU said it expected the ministry "to clarify their aforesaid contradictory views and apprise the Committee of the outcome of the analysis and review undertaken regarding route and slot allocations".
Following "allegations of favour being shown to private operators vis-a-vis Air India regarding allotment of routes and time-slots", the panel said it had asked the ministry to "conduct a transparent review of the entire route and slot allocations, both in domestic and international sectors, and effect necessary changes to ensure that Air India is not put at any disadvantage".
The ministry had initially informed that "an analysis as desired by the Committee with all its ramifications has been done and the review of slot allocations will also shortly be underway.