The incident has come just days after BJP workers and policemen clashed with each other in Moradabad after the party called for a mahapanchayat - in defiance of state orders banning it - over the removal of a loudspeaker from a temple.
The clash in Mukutpur area of the district's Tanda town broke out last evening after members of one of the communities complained that the loudspeaker installed at the religious place of the other was disturbing them from performing their prayers, Superintendent of Police Sadhana Goswami said.
Police said the aggrieved community approached the administrative officials of Tanda yesterday to apprise them of the issue and demanded that the use of loud speaker be banned.
Following this, the officials convened a meeting which was attended by members of both the communities and the matter was resolved.
"The entire exercise was managed late last night by Additional District Magistrate Markandey Singh and ASP Devesh Pandey. Security forces have been deployed to keep a strict vigil on the situation in the troubled area," District Magistrate CK Tripathi said.