The Special Task Force of UP Police, which is probing the suspected case of RRB loco pilot examination paper leak on Sunday, nabbed Bedi Ram after interrogating 2 persons arrested earlier in this connection.
Bedi was also arrested previously in 2006, 2008 and 2009 for leaking RRB question papers, Senior Superintendent of Police (STF) Amit Pathak said.
"Bedi Ram, whose name figured in questioning of the two youths who were nabbed with the question papers on Sunday, was picked up from Ashiyana area and is being interrogated," the SSP said.
"There are inputs suggesting that Bedi's gang comprised of about at least 5 other members of his family who worked in an organised manner in leaking question papers. His nephew's name had come up in the RRB paper leak on Sunday," the SSP said.
"We could also try and invoke gangsters act against him," he said.