In a written reply in Rajya Sabha, Defence Minister Manohar Parrikar said equipment worth Rs 402.60 crore were RFR in 2013-14, followed by Rs 445.61 crore, and Rs 483.08 crore in 2014-15, and 2015-16 respectively.
Of these, maximum RFR was in case of weapons (185) and Depth Charge MK-11 MoD-2 (209), ammunition (50) and combat vehicles (21).
In order to avoid this, Parrikar said, in each Ordnance Factory, officers have been nominated as Quality Control Officer, dedicated to look after the quality area of the factory.
"These groups have been mandated to carry out the Audit of existing Quality Control System with respect to Input Material, Manufacturing Process, and adherence to specified acceptance criterion and report directly to Ordnance Factory Board," the minister said.
Responding to another question, Parrikar said 36 FDI/Joint Venture proposals in the defense sector have been approved so far.