According to the police, the incident took place near North Campus of Delhi University around 11 AM when two custodians of the van of a private cash replenishment company were refilling the money into an ATM of CITI bank at the busy Bungalow Road.
"The security guard and the driver of the cash van were standing outside the ATM booth. Suddenly, the two bike-borne assailants reached the spot and pumped two bullets into the head of the guard, Satender, from close range," said Joint Commissioner of Police (Central Range) Sandeep Goel.
The entire incident was caught on a number of CCTVs in the lane as well as the one installed in the ATM booth.
Their escape bid was also recorded by several locals on their mobile phones during which they fired in the air.
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Police is now analysing the video footage but the robbers could not be identified as they were wearing helmets through the entire incident.
The registration number of the black pulsar motorcycle was also visible but police believe that it could be stolen.
"It seems that the assailants were well aware of the area and had recceed the route taken by the van in advance. Today too they had followed the van at the spot before carrying out the loot.
Crime and FSL teams picked circumstantial evidences from the spot. Several teams led by Deputy Commissioner of Police (North) Madhur Verma are probing the case. Teams from Crime Branch and Special Cell are also working on the case.
A case of murder and robbery has been registered at Roop Nagar police station, police said.