"An amount of Rs 1,699 crore was provided to 50,091 beneficiaries of Srinagar district by various financial institutions under priority and non-priority sectors for establishing their income generating units against a target of Rs 1,632 crore during last financial year," a government spokesman said after a meeting of district level review-cum-consultative committee here.
The meeting, chaired by District Development Commissioner Farooq Ahmad Shah yesterday, was informed that Rs 66.34 crore was given to 7,105 beneficiaries under government-sponsored schemes during the same period.
"Since the youth are turning fast towards self employment, it is our duty to facilitate and provide financial assistance and other moral support to them," he said.
Shah asked line departments to organise workshops in all urban and rural areas of the district for proper dissemination of awareness about various self employment schemes.
He also asked bankers to understand social responsibility and work enthusiastically to facilitate the people.