The CBI, which was on trail of Rajesh Natwarlal Bangawala, arrested him from Rajkot in Gujarat on Saturday night, the agency said today. A cash reward of Rs one lakh was announced for information leading to his arrest and CBI had circulated his pictures in various national dailies.
42-year-old Bangawala was wanted by the CBI in connection with a case filed after the JNPT registered a complaint with the agency earlier this year that somebody had surreptitiously transferred Rs 180 crore from two branches of Oriental Bank of Commerce (OBC).
After the CBI started investigating the matter, Rs 110.12 crore lying with other banks had been seized under instructions of the probe agency, while Rs 64.31 crore was untraced and the balance Rs 5.57 crore which was lying with the OBC was remitted back to the JNPT.
According to the CBI's FIR, the JNPT had placed funds aggregating RS 180 crore with the OBC initially for the purpose of term deposit in two tranches in February this year.
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The bank again received Rs 70 crore from the JNPT for issuance of term deposit in favour of the port trust. The same modus operandi was used and another fax was sent to the bank for transferring the amount to the same company, it said.
It was found during the investigation that the amount remitted to the company had been transferred to seven banks and 12 clients as per mandate given by the account holder -- Padmavati International, it said.
One of the beneficiaries was Bangawala, the CBI alleged and added that some of his accomplices were expected to be arrested soon.