"A budget of Rs 343.59 crore for Jila Yojana Samiti has been approved for Meerut district for the 2016-17 financial year," Khan said in a meeting at the district collecterate here.
"For the successful implementation of schemes and to bring people in mainstream development, officials must take help and support of public representatives," he said.
Khan said officials "without any bias" should ensure schemes reach only "legitimate" beneficiaries.
He directed the irrigation department to remove encroachment from public ponds and initiate works to increase their water levels.
Reviewing works of the rural drinking water department, he said, "The department must undertake maintenance of all drinking water facilities, including those built by public representatives. Repairs of leaking water tanks must be done immediately."
He directed officials to ensure sanitation in urban areas and conduct regular fogging drives to prevent outbreak of mosquito-borne diseases.