"In five years, there will be investment of Rs 5 lakh crore" in the road sector, Gadkari said while inaugurating the eighth Rubber Expo and Tyre Show (IRE) here.
The minister said from building mere two km roads a day, the new government would build 30 km roads a day in two years.
Underlining the enhanced role of the private sector in infrastructure projects through public-private-partnership (PPP), he said the government would extend full support to the industry, including lowering of interest rates.
Gadkari also said that the government is determined to significantly lower the number of deaths due to road accidents.
"This number at present is very high. There are five lakh road accidents in which 1.50 people lose their lives. We want to improve quality of roads. We are sincere and determined to reduce accident deaths," he said.
The Motor Vehicles Act is also being amended to make road journey safe and procedures simplified and transparent for licensing, and road permits etc, he said adding the government would encourage use of technology in making the road journey safe.