While withdrawing Rs 500 and Rs 1,000 notes from the night of November 8-9, the government had allowed use of the old currency at government hospitals, railway ticketing, public transport, airline ticketing at airports, milk booths, crematoria/burial grounds and petrol pumps for 72 hours.
This list was later expanded to include payments for metro rail tickets, highway and road toll, purchase of medicines on doctor prescription from the government and private pharmacies, LPG gas cylinders, railway catering, electricity and water bills and ASI monument entry tickets.
The government has allowed use of the old currency to make payments at co-operative stores subject to valid identity proofs being provided.
Public utility bills include only household bills. Court fee will also be allowed to be paid in old 500 and 1,000 rupee notes.
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Old Rs 500, Rs 1000 notes will be accepted for payment of fees, charges, taxes, penalty to central and state governments, including municipalities and local bodies.
Such old notes will also be accepted for payment of utility charges like water and electricity.