The total value of the estimated Revenue receipts and capital receipts is Rs 1.244.14 crore, while the total revenue and capital expenditure has been estimated at Rs 1,298.37 crore, resulting in a deficit of Rs.54.23 crore, Rajkumar said while laying the budget proposals in the council here.
In order to meet the deficit, various revenue augumentation measurers are proposed to be taken up in the financial year, he said.
The budget was prepared with various constructive schemes such as creating a Wi-FI city, generating electricity from solar energy, multi-speciality hospital, women empowerment, drinking water scheme, shifting of vegetable market from Mettupalayam Road, model schools, green city, constructrion of apartments for corporation officials, renovation of corporation Kalaiyarangam, E-Corp Schools, parks, uniformed supply of drinking water in added areas, cricket stadium and additionally various schemes for the every day needs of the public, Rajkumar said.