"Rs 50 crore and Rs 40 crore has been released to FCI and NAFED respectively to start procurement of pulses in Kharif Marketing Season 2015-16. SFAC will undertake procurement from Rs 9 crore Price stablisation Fund already available with them," Food Minister Ram Vilas Paswan said in a written reply to the Rajya Sabha.
NAFED, SFAC and FCI will procure of pulses (Tur and Urad) in the Kharif 2015 season at prevailing market rates from farm gate/Mandis for creation of buffer stocks, he added.
The production of lentils fell due to 14 per cent deficit monsoon. The production was 17.20 million tonnes in 2014-15 crop year, much lower than the requirement of 25 million tonnes. The gap is being met through imports.
To create a buffer stock, the government has asked cooperative NAFED and Small farmers Agri-Business Consortium (SFAC) to procure 40,000 tonnes of pulses at an estimated cost of Rs 350 crore.
Procurement of tur and urad to create a buffer stock in the current Kharif marketing season is being done with assistance from Price Stabilisation Fund.