Addressing the media on the eve of the meet, RSS spokesperson Manmohan Vaidya said the recent census which had just come showed an imbalance in the growth of population.
"There would be extensive deliberations on the subject during the meeting and a resolution in this context may be taken up," he said.
Entire top brass of the RSS, including its chief Mohan Bhagwat, will attend the meet.
In his Vijya Dashmi address last week, Bhagwat had said that facts and figures of the last two census reports and the imbalances that had come to notice as a result were being widely discussed.
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"Our present and future is getting impacted by it. We need to rise above vote bank politics to formulate a holistic approach, equally applicable to all citizens, towards the population policy.
Vaidya also sought a countrywide debate over the Upamanyu Hazarika Commission's report that illegal migration from Bangladesh is threatening to reduce the indigenous population of Assam to a minority by the year 2047.
"Recently, the Hazarika Commission report has given a startling information about changing demographic situation in Assam and Bengal. If the trend continues then population of Indians would be reduced and foreigners would be increased," he said.