RSS, joined by BJP's Prime Ministerial candidate Narendra Modi, also targeted Congress for claiming the legacy of Sardar Patel, saying they had forgotten the "national leader" for 60 years but woke up only after BJP highlighted his contribution to the nation.
"Let those people not teach us about Sardar Patel's ideology. It is the present day Congress leadership which has completely decimated the ideology of Mahatma Gandhi and Sardar Patel and are following the ideology which is just opposite to the thinking of these people," RSS spokesman Ram Madhav said.
Though Patel, as Home Minister, had imposed a ban on RSS after assassination of Mahatma Gandhi in January 1948, he had revoked the order within eight months stating that the Sangh had nothing to do with the incident.
At the same time, he had a poser for the Congress. "Are they ready to accept Sardar Patel's ideology as the Congress ideology?"
Targeting Congress, he claimed, "Jawaharlal Nehru, in one Cabinet meeting, had stood up and told Sardar Patel that he was a communalistic person and he cannot work with him. This is the character of Congress".