A CBI team produced both the accused B R Andhalkar, former police inspector with local crime branch (LCB) and his subordinate, former Assistant Police Inspector (API) Namdev Kauthale, in Shivajinagar court, where Additional Sessions Judge S B Kachare remanded them to judicial custody.
Citing a threat to their clients' lives inside the jail, counsel of both the accused requested the court to move them to some other jail. However, the court rejected the plea and ordered to keep both the suspects in separate barracks in Yerawada jail.
Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI), which is investigating the murder case, had arrested the then police inspector, Andhalkar and Kauthale recently and got their custody to "unearth" the larger conspiracy behind murder.
According to CBI, Andhalkar was arrested after it emerged that he had allegedly "conspired with others and fabricated and manipulated evidence" whereas Kauthale was accused of "creating false evidence and fake eye-witnesses to shield the real conspirators and killers".
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After filing a closure report in a local court in August 2014 saying that it could not find any prosecutable evidence against the suspects, CBI in early 2015 reopened the probe in view of new evidence recovered in searches in Pune and Mumbai.
CBI had carried out the searches at 21 locations to probe allegations of land-grabbing along the Mumbai-Pune Highway on the directions of the Bombay High Court.