The Union Minister said that while arrogance was "writ large" in Nitish Kumar's speech, the venue was soaked "red in deceit" as both Nitish and Lalu who swore against emergency "ushered" Sonia Gandhi to the podium and heaped praises which was a complete "disgrace and disrespect" to Jai Prakash Narayan.
Attacking Sonia Gandhi's endorsement of Lalu Yadav today as 'icon of Bihar's development, Rudy said that the Congress has been denounced by the people for a "plethora of corruption charges" and termed the endorsement as "Birds of same feather flock together".
He said that Nitish Kumar has said that people of Bihar have called him "Abhimaani" but he is a "Swabhimaani" and it is obvious that "arrogance was writ large in his (Nitish) speech and sadly, he pretends to be a repository of wisdom, which he is not."
He said that the Maidan which is famously remembered for Jai Prakash Narayan's historic speech and his clarion call for 'Sampoorn Kranti', was "soaked red in deceit today when 'so called disciples' (Nitish Kumar and Lalu Yadav) who swore against emergency, ushered Sonia Gandhi to the podium and heaped praises on her.