For speedy disposal of cases, rules framed by Uttar Pradesh State Information Commission, have been sent to state government for approval.
"So far there were no rules with the Commission. However now the rules formed under the chairmanship of Chief Information Commissioner Jawed Usmani have been sent to state government for approval. After approval, speedy disposal of the cases is bound to come," state information commissioner Arvind Singh Bist told reporters here today.
Efforts are on for speedy disposal of cases as the Commission is also going to the doorstep of complainants.
"Camps are organised in different districts for speedy collection of information," he stated.
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With the appointment of ten state information commissioners, the pendency of cases, which is now around 55,000, is expected to come down, he said.
Earlier only three information commissioner were looking after all the cases.
"The increase in pendency also shows that people have now developed faith in the Commission," he claimed.
"My plan is to make the pendency zero by December 2015," he said.