Jewher Ulham, daughter of Ilham Tohti, spoke with emotion, firmness and acknowledged nervousness yesterday at the annual gala of PEN American Centre. She accepted the PEN/Barbara Goldsmith of Expression Award on behalf of her father, a scholar arrested in January and charged with inciting separation among China's ethnic Uighurs.
The only weapon her father had wielded was "words - spoken, written, distributed and posted," Ulham, a student at Indiana University, told hundreds assembled at the American Museum of Natural History, including Rushdie, Morrison, Robert Caro and Martin Amis.
Twitter CEO Dick Costolo was given the inaugural Digital Freedom Award and Maria Alyokhina and Nadya Tolokonnikova of Pussy Riot spoke briefly, calling for attendees to send books to political prisoners.
The gala capped PEN's weeklong World Voices Festival of International Literature, featuring writers and artists from 78 countries. It was a night to be honored and a gathering of kindred spirits for Rushdie, who once lived in hiding for fear of being assassinated by agents of the Iranian government, who had called for his death after the alleged blasphemy of "The Satanic Verses." He is a former president of PEN American Center, the literary human rights organization, and he founded the World Voices festival in 2005. Introduced by Morrison as a "legend," with such longtime friends as Amis and Paul Auster in the audience, Rushdie received PEN's Literary Service Award.