Though Vaghela lost the 2009 Lok Sabha election from Panchmahal seat, he made a come back after winning the assembly election in 2012 from Kapadwanj. It is said that Vaghela himself chose Sabarkantha, as it is still considered as a safe seat for the Congress.
Sabarkantha is a Congress stronghold owing to tribals, Rajputs, Thakors and OBCs, who helped the party secure 6 out of 7 seats during 2012 Assembly elections. However, one of their MLAs recently migrated to BJP reducing their tally to 5.
However, Rathod is receiving help from 'Modi wave', which is making Vaghela run for votes in this heat.
According to locals in Kantwad village on Prantij- Himmatnagar highway, there is no place for Congress in Sabarkantha.
"The development, such as roads, you are seeing here is due to BJP. It wasn't the case 12 to 15 years back. The ceramic and steel factories behind this village are giving employment to many village youngsters. Congress doesn't stand a chance in Sabarkantha, irrespective of who is their candidate. This time, its all about making Narendra Modi our prime minister," said Mangalsinh Thakor, a tea vendor.