SAD leaders Prem Singh Chandumajra and Sher Singh Ghubaya alleged that the screening of the film may create "communal disorder and vitiate law and order situation".
The screening of film had already been banned by the Punjab government.
In a statement here, the senior Akali leaders said the movie had created lot of tension in the society and it should be banned immediately in the interest of communal harmony.
They said the promotion, marketing and release of this movie should be banned across the country to avoid any communal disharmony.
Seeking immediate intervention of the Centre in the issue, Chandumajra cited that some states have already banned the screening of movie but at some places it has been released, which could provoke communal discord as well as law and order problem.
Chandumajra claimed when the trailer of the movie had been released on social media, it evoked law and order problems at various places.