Meanwhile, despite opposition from Punjab, Haryana remained firm on its stand and recently notified a 41-member ad hoc Haryana Shiromani Gurdwara Prabandhak Committee (HSGPC) to manage Sikh shrines in the state.
Badal however reiterated his stand and said, "The separate committee for management of gurudwaras in Haryana would never happen in reality."
"Rather it was a deliberate attempt to divide the Sikhs and dilute their institutions," an official statement quoting Badal said here.
Badal also said that he was in constant touch with the Government of India through their emissary, former Union Minister, Shanta Kumar, who has assured him of early resolution of this vexed issue.
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He said that the party would chalk out its future course of action on July 27 at Amritsar during the World Sikh Conference.
Haryana Sikhs too have also called a meeting at Karnal on July 28.
Punjab has been protesting since past some time after it became known that Haryana government has decided to take steps to form the HSGPC following demands of Sikhs of the state.
"His statement that the decision regarding HSGPC represents a conflict between the Sikh religion and Congress could not have been farther from the truth. Congress respects all religious sensitivities as also our non-negotiable constitutional principles," the Congress MP said.
"The attempt to create a wedge between states and communities along communal lines is a frontal assault on the first principles of our federal polity and an affront to the Constitution. The only democratic way to resolve sensitive issues is through constructive negotiations within the framework of the law," he said.