"Chef" is a 2014 American comedy drama, written, produced and directed by Jon Favreau. It is now set to be made in Hindi with Saif in the lead. The film will be directed by "Airlift" director Raja Krishna Menon.
"The film will go on floors this October and we will soon lock the release date. The film is set in India... We will travel to lot of places from Kerala to Goa to Delhi to Rajasthan to Punjab. Also, we might be going to Europe for a small portion," sources said.
"He (Saif) has started his basic training for the film. He will start learning culinary skills next week under the guidance of professionals (chefs)," sources said.
The film revolves around the life of a professional chef, who quits his job at a popular Los Angeles restaurant to launch a food truck with his friend and son.
The makers are yet to zero-in on the lead actress and the other main star cast.
The remake version of "Chef" will be produced by Abundantia Entertainment, Eros International and Alumbra Entertainment.