The cross-border drama, which is about a Bajrangbali (Hanuman) bhakt named Pawan Kumar Chaturvedi's (played by Salman) journey from India to escort a six-year-old mute Pakistani girl back to her village, has got unanimous praise from Salman's Bollywood colleagues.
The film also stars Kareena Kapoor Khan, Nawazuddin Siddiqui and child actress Harshaali Malhotra.
Officials at Eros International Media Ltd, which is distributing the movie, said the film bagged a "mind-blowing" response all over the country.
Multiplexes in the capital have reported housefull, claiming that tickets for the first three days have been sold out.
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Yogesh Raizada, General Manager at Wave Cinemas, said after the good response today the film will pick up from tomorrow after the Eid namaaz at 1 pm.
With no other film being released today, most of the halls in multiplexes screened the Salman-starrer movie.
Salman's co-stars praised the actor's sensitive portrayal in the film and called it his "best performance" till date.