Rs 3,600 crore have been collected till September 26 in the Jan Dhan accounts since its launch of the ambitious programme on August 28, Financial Services Secretary G S Sandhu told reporters.
Opening of 5.1 crore accounts means meeting 70 pe cent of the target of 7.5 crore set by the government by January 26, 2015, he said.
Reserve Bank Governor Raghuram Rajan had earlier this month flagged concerns on the speed at which the scheme was being rolled out.
"We have discussed with RBI, with the Governor and other functionaries there. We are all one. There are no differences now," Sandhu said today, adding that RBI is supporting the scheme and is also talking to banks.
On concerns like duplication of accounts, Sandhu said the banks will be seeding the account with the Aadhar numbers and link the biometric details of the account holders which will make it impossible to duplicate.