Justice Revati Mohite-Dere while granting Raghuveer bail on a personal bond of Rs 50,000 on May 8 held that the prosecution's case against him was based entirely on circumstantial evidence which was not sufficient.
However, the HC imposed certain conditions on Raghuveer asking him not to leave the city without informing trial court and not to tamper with the evidence or witnesses pertaining to the case.
"The circumstances as they stand are neither clinching nor sufficient, prima facie, to show the complicity of the applicant. There is no material brought on record by the prosecution to show that the deceased was last seen in the company of the applicant," the court said.
Raghuveer was arrested on December 16, 2013 for allegedly murdering his mother Sandhya Singh, cutting her body into pieces, and then disposing of her bones in the marshes in Navi Mumbai.
In January 2013, human remains were found in the marshes 200 metres away from the Singh's household. DNA tests proved that they were Sandhya's remains.