The incident took place when the film's unit was shooting at Kalakriti Taj VIP road yesterday. The bouncers started pushing the crowd away and they even manhandled some of the media persons and allegedly snatched their camera, which led to a journalist registering a complaint against the film unit.
The 57-year-old actor later apologised to journalists, saying had he been there, he would have stopped it.
"I want to make it clear that I was not even there on the set when it happened. I had already packed up and left for my hotel. But if I had been there, it would not have happened for sure. I would have sorted it out with a 'jaadu ki jhappi'. I even talked to the media people after the incident and apologised," Dutt told reporters during a press conference.
Directed by Omung Kumar, "Bhoomi" is Dutt's first project since he completed his jail term last February.
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