Talking to PTI on the sidelines of the music launch of the Indo-Bangla joint production film last night, the 'Moner Manush' director said "When Rabindranath was asked to render a song on 1905 partition of Bengal in the British-ruled India, he sang "Amay Bolona Gahite bolona." (don't ask me to sing)
For Tagore it was a song of immense pain, borne out of helplessness in accepting the 1905 partition of Bengal though the two Bengals got united in 1911, Goutam said.
To retain the 'swadeshi' era flavour in the film, set in present day background, there are tracks by Mukunda Das, Rajanikanta Sen and Kabi Kazi Nazrul Islam, he said.
The film has also recitals by Prosenjit Chatterjee, whose elocutionary skills have been used for first time as he read out a famous Sunil Gangopadhyay poem in a crucial moment.
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Prosenjit has recited the 'Aleek Manusher Santan' by Sunil Gangopadhyay and said he was haunted by the lines as he read out the poem a number of times.
"Like 'Moner Manush', 'Sankhachil' has also a layered story which talked about boundary-less border," he said.