The incident, which took place in Devaliya village of tribal-dominated Chhota Udaipur district 15 days ago, came to light yesterday after a video of the episode surfaced, Chhota Udaipur police inspector R S Bariya said.
Accordingly, the police lodged a complaint today morning against 12 people and arrested five people, he said.
In the video, Devaliya village sarpanch Soniyabhai Rathva is seen asking the teenagers to do sit-ups in front of a large gathering of locals, including some tribal leaders, who acted as a "panch", he said.
Taking matter in his own hand, Rathva allegedly asked the boy and girl to do sit-ups by holding each other's ears and then allegedly asked the boy to sit on the girl's shoulder, he said.
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Allegedly, both of them were also slapped as well as beaten up by sticks by the locals.
After the video depicting the incident surfaced, the police swung into action and arrested five people for allegedly outraging the modesty of women (Section 354 of the Indian Penal Code), illegal assembly (Section 114 of the Indian Penal Code) and causing hurt (Section 323 of the Indian Penal Code).