The Securities and Exchange Board of India (Sebi) in an order in July 2014 had imposed a penalty of Rs 5 lakh on Chandana Ghosh head-human resource and competency development with ITC for violating provisions of Prohibition of Insider Trading (PIT) Regulations.
Following the regulator's order, Ghosh had approached the tribunal arguing that another Adjudicating Officer of Sebi had taken a contrary view in case of A K Chowdhury, who was employed as head-operations in the Education and Stationery Products Strategic Business Unit at ITC.
The dispute in the present case relates to the decision of Sebi in holding that Ghosh working as head-Human Resource and Competency Development of Trade Marketing and Distribution at ITC is an 'officer' under Sebi PIT norms, while in the case of Chowdhury, working as Head-Operations in Education and Stationery Products Strategic Business Unit of ITC, Sebi had said that he did not fall within the category of 'officer'
"... It is just and proper to set aside the impugned order and restore the matter to the file of Adjudicating Officer Sebi for passing fresh order on merits and in accordance with law," the Tribunal noted.