Sebi, in January, had slapped a fine of Rs 2 lakh each on 12 entities for their alleged failure to make shareholding disclosures within the requisite timeline.
These entities were promoters of Safari Industries "at the relevant point of time" (2006).
The two sides approached SAT and requested the tribunal to 'quash and set aside' the ruling of Sebi as various discrepancies were noticed in the impugned order.
Consequently, SAT in its order dated October 1 said that "impugned order dated January 29, 2014 is quashed and set aside and the matter is restored to the file of Adjudicating Officer of Sebi for passing fresh order on merits and in accordance with law after giving personal hearing to the appellant."
Among the 12 entities are -- Amul Sumatichandra Mehta, Yugesh Sumatichandra Mehta, Akul Yugesh Mehta, Jayendra Yugesh Mehta, Mrudula Amul Mehta, Maitri Amul Mehta, Rachna Amul Mehta, Sunali Yugesh Mehta, Senator Investment, Touristor Investments, Yug Investment and Amul Sumatichandra Mehta-HUF.