The Securities and Exchange Board of India (Sebi) had barred Integrated Master Securities from accepting fresh clients for two months in an order on May 15, 2017.
In its order yesterday, the Securities Appellate Tribunal (SAT) observed that as a broker Integrated Master Securities should have taken due care and diligence while executing the orders of its clients including possibilities of the clients indulging in manipulative practices.
While upholding Sebi order, the SAT limited the period of restraint imposed on the broker in admitting fresh clients to one month from the date of the order.
A probe conducted by Sebi in the share trading of Gangotri Textiles during April-May 2006 had found that certain entities allegedly functioned as a group (Vishvas Group) and by trading through their respective stock brokers or otherwise, had allegedly executed synchronised, circular as well as reversal trades among themselves.