Sebi had penalised Kumar saying that he was a director of PACL but disputing the same, he moved the tribunal against the ruling.
In February this year, Sebi slapped a penalty of Rs 23.32 crore on the company and its nine top executives, including Kumar, for illegally raising Rs 49,100 crore from investors.
Kumar approached the tribunal to appeal that he was never appointed as a director of PACL and even PACL had not made any filings before the Registrar of Companies (RoC) regarding the same.
"Without considering the merits of the investigation report qua the register maintained by the RoC and recording a specific finding, the Adjudicating Officer (AO) could not have held that the Appellant (Kumar) had acted as a director of PACL," SAT said in its order dated June 23.
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Further, the tribunal observed that if there was any evidence in the investigation report that Kumar had acted as director of PACL, he should have been given an opportunity to deal with that evidence.
Sebi had found PACL collected over Rs 49,100 crore by running illegal collective investment schemes in the name of agriculture and real estate businesses, over a 18-year period.
The market regulator has directed refund of the money, along with applicable returns and interest payouts. Besides, attachment of certain assets of PACL and its top executives have been ordered to recover the dues.