Sebi, on August 7, asked stock exchanges to restrict trading in shares of 331 "suspected shell companies", some of which have investments by several well-known domestic and foreign investors.
The move came after the watchdog received the list of such companies from the corporate affairs ministry and many of the 331 firms are under the scanner of the Serious Fraud Investigation Office (SFIO) and the Income Tax Department.
Assam Company India had moved the SAT against the Sebi directions. Following its appeal, the tribunal has stayed the trading restrictions imposed on the company.
"We extend the said stay to the case of the appellant company herein and direct the stock exchanges to reverse their decision in respect of the appellant company as expeditiously as possible," SAT said in an order dated August 21.
The tribunal has stayed trading restrictions on 11 companies, including JKumar Infraprojects and Parsvnath Developers, after the entities appealed against the Sebi ban.