Satyanarayan, a former IAS officer, was speaking at the release of a Marathi book 'Shahbano te Nirbhaya ani Pudhe' (Shahabano to Nirbhaya and ahead) penned by journalist Neha Purav, this evening.
The book is based on various acts related to women's safety and empowerment.
She said no matter which strata of society a women belongs, she feels helpless when immediately confronted with any emergency or crisis.
"The situation is same if the woman herself needs help or she wishes to extend assistance to somebody but doesn't know what to do," Satyanarayan added.
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"Forming women's flying squads in different localities would help to curb incidents of crime against women," the former bureaucrat said.
She opined that this book would go a long way in helping women achieve legal literacy.
Noted lawyer Abha Singh said basic education about laws was necessary for women.
Nirmala Samant Prabhawalkar, member of the national women's commission said statistics about atrocities against women show that domestic violence and sexual harassment at work place was faced by women from all sections and strata of the society.