"The perpetrators of violence have crossed the line by attacking the holiest of the places in Islam, which has been a source of peace and stability for centuries," she said addressing the public here.
She said such "atrocious" acts contradict all humanitarian and Islamic values.
"It is heart-wrenching to see how the holy month of Ramazan was marked by the bloodbath in Iraq, Turkey and Kabul and slaughtering of innocent people in Bangladesh," Mehbooba said.
She also urged the people of the state to prevent the resurgence of violence in the state by "isolating" the prepetrators.
"Kashmir has already gone through death and destruction for over two decades and it cannot afford to lose another generation to senseless violence.
"We are trying to meet the expectations of the people and I need time and your unflinching support for making peace a reality and development a right in Jammu and Kashmir," she said.