The non-interest income jumped 35.58 per cent to Rs 6,197 crore from Rs 4,571 crore, primarily boosted by a hefty Rs 485 crore repatriation of profits from its foreign operations, which on an average contributes to a fourth of the bank's business.
Similarly, its treasury income jumped multiple times to Rs 1,493 crore from a little over Rs 490 crore a year ago.
"The Rs 485 crore has definitely helped us in reporting higher profit. Even if you take that out, we have a 15 per cent rise.
"This growth is because of increase in loan book and our higher income from treasury operations which has gone up," Bhattacharya said and described the numbers as beating the market view on many counts.
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Domestic net interest margins stood at 3.32 per cent as against 3.49 per cent, while whole bank NIM stood at 3.01 per cent, up 2 basis points year-on-year.
"Overall, we are beginning to see the end of this entire cycle of NPAs. I am much more confident about the quality of asset going forward," the chairperson said.
She said there are one or two large accounts, which the bank is trying to work out.
"If they happen, they will happen, if they don't we may have to take those hits. But, I would like to assure you that even in those accounts the assets are very good and even if there is a hit, it will be a temporary one," she said.
Giving a thumbs up to the bank, he said the brokerage has a "Buy" call on SBI.
"The over 25 per cent net growth is a positive surprise as we expected only a net profit of Rs 3,290 crore that was driven partly by a Rs 490 crore forex gains. Loan growth at 4 per cent was subdued, but gross NPA rise was constrained at one per cent," Shenoy said.