A bench of justices Gyan Sudha Misra and Pinaki Chandra Ghose set aside a Punjab and Haryana High Court order that had asked the National Highway Authority of India (NHAI) to take over the highway project from Soma Isolux NH One Tollway Pvt Ltd as it failed to complete the project by 2012.
"We deem it just and appropriate to set aside the impugned directions of the High Court, and permit the appellant (Soma) to restore the construction of the balance stretch/area of the highway project by further directing the NHAI to permit the appellant to shift the Toll Plaza from KM 146 to any point between KMs 110 and KMs 117 with concurrence of the NHAI.
It directed that the shifting although may not be permitted at KMs 110, it may be allowed to be shifted at any point between KMs 110 and KMs 117 in consultation and with concurrence of the NHAI.
"In fact, we could have directed the appellant to shift the Toll Plaza even beyond 117, KMs but we have been informed that beyond KM 117 the area is thickly populated and would not be practically possible to set up the Toll Plaza beyond KMs 117," the court said.