A bench of justices V Gopala Gowda and C Nagappan also rejected the pleas of seven others associated with various publication or media houses, who were also summoned for allegedly defaming Rajiv Trivedi, Additional Commissioner of Police (Crimes and SIT), Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh.
"We are of the opinion that the impugned judgement passed by the High Court of Andhra Pradesh in rejecting the petitions for quashing the initiation of criminal proceedings against the appellants under Section 482 of the Cr PC is perfectly legal and valid.
The other journalists summoned were Sidhartha Gautam, Swati Vashishta, V K Shashikumar, Ahmed Ali Shaik, Gulab Kotari, Hemender Sharma and Lateef Mohammed Khan.
The appeals were against the decision of the High Court of Judicature of Andhra Pradesh at Hyderabad.
The bench said that the appeals were devoid of merit, liable to be dismissed and "are accordingly dismissed".