Former Chief Election Commissioner N Gopalaswami, ex-Law Minister Shanti Bhushan, noted jurist K T S Tulsi and retired Delhi High Court Judge S N Dhingra are of the view that in the absence of law, the verdict, which is advisory in nature, would not be of much help as politicians are "thick skinned".
"It will not have any effect as our government (ministers) is very thick-skinned," Dhingra said, adding "several times, our Supreme Court, or we in the High courts, issued advisory to the government but they did not change their attitude.
Gopalaswami was of the firm view that the entry of tainted persons in the council of ministers cannot be avoided unless the law is changed.
"There is a need to change the law and those chargesheeted be not allowed to file nomination papers. Of course, we need to educate people not to choose such kind of politicians...," he said.
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Tulsi, also a Rajya Sabha MP of Congress party, said since the verdict was advisory in nature, "the PM and CMs should bear in mind the constitutional morality and propriety".
"The SC said it cannot force people to act in this regard. I am in agreement. It is for the people to agitate and try to bring some change. They (people) can demand from the political parties to introduce good candidates," he said.