A bench headed by Justice P Sathasivam said that it would pass order after considering CBI's submission that the agency is ready to drop certain charges against 45-year-old Salem under TADA and Explosive Substances Act in view of its commitment to Portuguese government at the time of his extradition that he shall not be awarded death penalty or detained in custody for more than 25 years if found guilty.
"The applicant (CBI) reiterates its commitment which was given to the Portugal government/court when Salem was extradited to India to the extent that he shall not be awarded death penalty and/or detained in custody for a period more than 25 years if found guilty," the application filed by the agency said.
"As a matter of fact, charges framed by trial court have been termed as additional charges by the Portuguese courts because of which the Portuguese courts have come to the conclusion that there has been a violation of rule of speciality.