The National Transport Development Policy Committee (NTDPC) report says the country needs to increase investment in transport infrastructure like rail, highways, port and airport to Rs 70 lakh crore level in 15th Five Year Plan (2027-32) from Rs 19 lakh crore (nearly Rs 4 lakh crore annually) envisaged in the ongoing 12th Five Year Plan (2012-17).
The panel thinks that achieving 7 per cent economic growth in 12th Plan followed by 9 per cent economic growth till 2032 thereafter, will require massive scaling of investment in transport infrastructure.
The government had set up NTDPC under the Chairmanship of Rakesh Mohan on February 11, 2010, with the main objective of recommending a long-term National Transport Policy. It has recently submitted its report.
The panel recommends increase in transport infrastructure investment to a level of Rs 30 lakh crore in 13th Plan (2017-22) and to Rs 45 lakh crore in 14th Plan (2022-27).
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The Central Statistics Office has estimated that the Indian economy will grow at 4.9 per cent the current fiscal. However, this is contrary to 8 per cent annual average economic growth rate targetted in the 12th Plan document.
According to experts, boosting investments particularly in transport infrastructure in required to increase the industrial growth which will ultimately result in higher overall economic growth.