SCCL invites expression of interest (EOI) from firms "to work as Mine Developer cum Operator for developing and operating Naini Coal Block located in Angul district, Odisha, belonging to SCCL, on long term basis," the company said.
SCCL was allotted coal block for opencast mining with a proposed capacity of 10 million tonnes per annum (MTPA).
"The indicative scope of work (of MDO) will include...Land acquisition, R&R, exploration including Geological Report (GR) preparation, Mining Plan (MP) preparation and approval, procurement of Environmental and Forest Clearances...And infrastructure development," it added.
MDO shall design, operate and maintain the mine at the rated production capacity of 10 MTPA for extraction of total geological reserves of 450 MT and to ensure a regular supply of contracted quantity and specified quality and size of coal at the delivery point, SCCL added.
The company produced 52.50 MT of coal in 2014-15.