Introducing the cast and crew of Gogoler Kirti, a quint-essential children's Bengali film, with its ninth and tenth standard students, one of the spearheads of the Bangla Club Chitralekha Mukherjee of Birla Boys' High School said. "We have a roadmap to initiate our children with the by-gone classicists like Samaresh Basu, the milestones in Indian literature.
"We collaborate in organizing events which talk about our heritage and culture, we organize debates and we egg on the club members to take Bengali classics of Bibhutibhusan and others from the library," the soft-spoken teacher said.
"From experience I have seen how adrift today's children are from these literary gems excepting Feluda perhaps. So every school should have such Bangla Club to foster the interest among us," Parama, having been part of Anik Dutta's Aschorjo Prodip besides Gogoler Kirti, said.
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"I have immensely enjoyed reading 'Sei Barir Khonje' (In search of that house) and yes I also read Rowling." "Harry Potter and Gogol can co-exist in my world, and the Bangla Club nurtures that root of Bengaliness," the son of civil servant parents told PTI.
"As part of the Birla House alumni, known as Hindi High in our days, all I can say, if the parents are willing to plant the sapling of Bengaliness in their ward's conscience the school can do the rest," actor Saheb Chatterjee, having essayed the lead role in Yogayog, a film based on Tagore's famous short story, said.