The incident was reported from Ghuman Hera village in southwest Delhi on Monday night. Her brother's body with gunshot wounds was found in Jhajjar district of Haryana today. It is suspected he was killed over the same issue, they said.
The victim, Anita Yadav, used to run a school from the ground and the first floor of her house. She stayed with her family on the second floor.
On Monday night, two men, including her husband's former business partner Naveen Yadav, arrived in a car and shot her in the chest, police said.
They said CCTV cameras installed near the house captured the accused entering and leaving the property.
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The accused are on the run.
The investigators are also in touch with their counterparts in Haryana to ascertain whether the same men are behind the killing of Anita Yadav's brother.
Naveen Yadav worked as a property dealer with the victim's husband earlier.
An official privy to the probe said the woman had bought land from Naveen Yadav and had paid only one-fourth of the amount.
Naveen had been demanding her to pay the remaining around Rs 3 crore.