Scientists at the University of Sheffield have discovered that a gene called cortex controls some of the major differences in butterfly warning colour patterns.
The researchers studied the wing colour patterns of the Heliconius, also known as passion-vine butterflies, a species of brightly coloured butterfly found in the rainforests of Latin America.
Their colours warn predators that they contain toxins, which they get from the passion-vine plants they eat as caterpillars.
As well as being bright, their colours are also extremely variable, and the same species of butterfly often has very different patterns in different areas.
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The study, published in the journal Nature on June 1, found that the cortex gene controls wing pattern variation in three different species of Heliconius butterfly.
Two of these species mimic each other by having almost identical colour patterns where they are found together, even though they are not closely related to each other.
Having the same colours protect both species from predators by making it easier for the predators to learn to avoid the pattern they both share. The third species has very different patterns, copying unrelated butterfly species.
"What our study did was look for differences in the DNA of butterflies with different patterns to try to understand what it is that controls their colour patterns. We identified a fast-evolving gene called cortex, which we believe is responsible for butterflies changing colours and patterns in order to protect themselves from predators,"Nadeau said.