The Lokayukta has asked the civic body to remove the unauthorised constructions in the area with "promptitude" so that a clear message is sent that rigours of law are not only for the common citizen but also apply with "equal vigour" to those who may be occupying high echelons of power.
The order by the Lokayukta came in response to a petition filed by Subhash, a resident of Bhogal. After a hearing on February 1, the Lokayukta had sought reports from concerned authorities including police.
In his order, the Lokayukta has asked Joint Commissioner of Police of South Eastern Range to provide adequate police force to help the civic body carry out the demolition of the illegal constructions that have been identified.
"It is hoped and expected that the corporation, which has found for itself the existence of buildings recently constructed from basement to four floors without sanctioned plans and also constructions of similar nature on public land, will act decisively and effectively," Justice Sarin said in a recent order.
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President of Jungpura Residents' Welfare Association Monu Chadha said he had filed numerous petitions against the MLA and his nephew for carrying out large number of unauthorised constructions in the posh locality.
"I had filed numerous complaints pertaining to illegal constructions and encroachment on government land by Ravinder Singh Marwah on plot no 2/53, 2/54, 2/56, 2/57, 2/58 in Jungpura A to authorities as well as to the Lt Governor to take appropriate action. But no action has been taken due to intervention of MLA Tarvinder Singh Marwah," Chadha claimed.