SDMC deputy commissioner Sushil Singh said the move is in accordance with the guidelines issued by the Home Secretary to enhance safety measures in the wake of the December 16 gangrape of a 23-year-old girl in the national capital.
"While the entry and exit of all markets are already covered by Delhi Police, the Home Secretary had directed all corporations to do the same as far as shops and other establishments are concerned," he told members of the SDMC Standing Committee.
"Under the new initiative, it will be mandatory to keep a recording of the footage at least for a month so that if the law enforcement agencies require it, the same can be provided to them," Singh added.
When Leader of the Opposition Farhad Suri expressed his concern, saying whether the decision would be acceptable to small shop owners, Commissioner Manish Gupta assured that the matter will be taken up at SDMC House before implementing it.
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Informing the members, Singh said the amendment as per the Home Secretary's instruction had been drafted and will soon be presented before the committee.
Under the new guidelines issued by the Transport Department of Delhi government, four wheelers will have to pay Rs 10, Rs 20 and Rs 50 for 30 minutes, one hour and three hours respectively during non-peak hours. Beyond this, for every additional hour, a payment of Rs 20 extra will have to be made.
The Standing Committee members expressed their unhappiness over the enhanced rates.
Suri said raising parking rates will not push people to use public transport in Delhi. "Only illegal parking on roads will increase leading to even more congestion," he said.