Besides, Sebi has barred the company and its directors from the securities market for four years from the date of completion of refunds to investors.
The Securities and Exchange Board of India (Sebi) found that AGIL had mopped up over Rs 92 lakh from nearly 1,100 investors through issuance of redeemable preference shares and had "prima facie" violated public issue norms.
The regulator had observed that AGIL's issue was made to more than 50 people which, under the rules, made it a public issue of debt securities requiring compulsory listing on a recognised stock exchange. It was also required to file a prospectus, which it failed to do.
They have been directed to "issue public notice, in all editions of two National Dailies (one English and one Hindi) and in one local daily (in Bengali) with wide circulation, detailing the modalities for refund, including details of contact persons including names, addresses and contact details, within 15 days of this order coming into effect."
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AGIL (formerly known as Angels Agro Industries) and its directors have been "restrained and prohibited from buying, selling or otherwise dealing in the securities market, till the expiry of four years from the date of completion of refunds to investors".
In case AGIL fails to comply with the directions, Sebi would make a reference to the state government/local police to register a civil/criminal case against the company and its directors.