Besides, the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Sebi) also banned the company and its five directors -- Krishnendu Das, Sugata Bal Das, Pramathes Dutta, Sujoy Nandi and Basab Dasgupta -- for four years from completion of the refund.
According to Sebi, the company raised about Rs 60.59 crore from 81,196 investors during 2012-13 and 2013-14.
Since the shares were issued by the firm to more than 50 people, it qualified as a public issue that requires compulsory listing on recognised stock exchanges, which the firm failed to do.
In addition, they "shall issue public notice, in all editions of two national dailies (one English and one Hindi) and in one local daily with wide circulation, detailing the modalities for refund, including details of contact persons including names, addresses and contact details, within 15 days".
In case GBC Enterprise fails to comply, Sebi would make a reference to the state government or the local police to register a case against the company for fraud.